About IQAC

About the IQAC

The inception of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at Birsha Munda Memorial College, Pirrah, Haludkanali, in 2019 marked the beginning of its commitment to improving academic standards. Ever since, the IQAC has actively participated in organizing, advising, and overseeing college activities to guarantee quality assurance and improvement. By serving as a beacon of quality, the IQAC plays a pivotal role in fostering holistic academic and administrative development within the college.


  • Birsha Munda Memorial College
  •   Vill-Pirrah, P.O. Haludkanali, Dist. Bankura-722140
  •   Phone No.
  •   bmmcbu@gmail.com
  •   www.bmmcollege.org